Clogged pipes are a common issue for home plumbing: They can happen at any time and cleaning them out is never fun. It's far better to prevent clogs altogether. To help out, we've made a list of the four things everyone should consider doing in their homes to help keep clogs from forming.

  1. Use Filters and Screens
    If you have had problems with clogs in the past, every drain in your house should have a wire mesh screen or similar kind of filter to catch debris, hair, and bits of food. These drains are one of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent clogging problems, so we highly recommend them. Just remember to clean them frequently.

  2. Clear Your Kitchen Pipes After Use
    Did you just get finished washing dishes or cooking a meal? It's a good idea to run hot water down your kitchen sink (vinegar can help too). Hot water helps make sure that small amounts of oil and food bits will safely make their way through your pipes rather than getting caught. Since you don't want to wastewater, use this opportunity to clean off dishes for the dishwasher or similar tasks!

  3. Know What Things Should Never Go Down the Drain
    Pipes are frequently clogged because of improper use. Avoid putting coffee grounds, grease, or any type of fiber (except toilet paper) down any drain. The same is true of large, hard objects that won't deteriorate, like seeds or leftover shells and skins.

  4. Use Occasional (Safe) Drain Cleaners and Maintenance
    Chemical drain cleaners have a poor reputation these days for the damage they do to your plumbing, but a flush out with a bacteria-based drain cleaner can still help prevent clogged pipes. A professional plumbing contractor can also offer maintenance and pipe cleaning services for sewage systems and harder-to-reach pipes if there's a problem.

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